Discussion Forum Leica S System Images to Share The S works in winter as well ….
  • #3482

    Hi folks

    I’m getting depressed with Josh’s pictures of Florida sunny winter weather. We had the first real ice-rain of the winter this week and I gave the S a shake down. All with the stunning 120 mm and all with naked camera and lens (no tripod, no flash, handheld). I am really happy with the higher ISO performance of the S over the S2.

    Edit: but not so happy with the loss in sharpness on down-rezzing for upload.


  • #3508
    Jack MacD

    In winter, you can always create other seasons by getting closer to your subject.

    This process started with a 120mm shot of a Wisconsin lighthouse on Lake Michigan in winter.
    Then I went back on another day just get closer to the lighthouse, to create an industrial abstract. A much colder day I might add.
    Next I created nine seasons of the lighthouse. This work creating seasons can fortunately be done indoors on a warm computer.
    This is a work in progress as I swap and modify panels around quite a bit. I already have ten other versions I am reviewing. The eventual end result may be for an installation 8 feet by 6 feet.

    A triple triptych Kipper?
    Temperature was 8 degrees. The day is described here:

    Yes, the S works in winter, but my nose and fingers are another issue.

    Attached files

  • #3509

    That is really cool Jack


  • #3511
    Jack MacD

    It was literally cool, but your winter shots inspired me to get outside.
    Glad you find the new S higher ISO useful.

  • #3521
    Jack MacD

    Our second interesting storm of the year. The day before was in the 50s and then dropped 30 overnight while raining. With a wind, the snow sticks to the side of trees.


    Attached files

  • #3525
    Jack MacD

    Sun came out, and the photo changes from the above shot.

    Attached files

  • #3527
    David K

    I like the color shot best Jack. Since moving to Florida I miss the change of seasons each of which has it’s own beauty.

    As far as a triple triptych…try saying that three times fast.

  • #3528
    Mark Gowin

    Constable and Jack, these photos make me cold just to look at them. It is cold here in Tennessee so unfortunately I can relate to the photos. I visited south Florida last weekend and I really miss the warm sunshine. Plus, it was great to see David Farkas, David K., Roger, and Josh. Wish I had more time there.

  • #3532
    Jack MacD

    Kipper, you knew this would eventually be posted as a triptych, you just didn’t know when.
    5 degrees.
    One more snow photo and I can go to warmer places.

    Attached files

  • #3536
    Mark Gowin

    Unfortunately, I got to experience some winter weather too this weekend. I much preferred the warm south Florida climate from the weekend prior. At least I was out shooting so it isn’t all bad.

    Sparks Lane, Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

  • #3537
    David Farkas

    Mark Gowin;4188 wrote: Unfortunately, I got to experience some winter weather too this weekend. I much preferred the warm south Florida climate from the weekend prior. At least I was out shooting so it isn’t all bad.

    Sparks Lane, Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park


    This one is really special. Wow.

  • #3538

    Mark Gowin;4188 wrote: Unfortunately, I got to experience some winter weather too this weekend. I much preferred the warm south Florida climate from the weekend prior. At least I was out shooting so it isn’t all bad.

    Sparks Lane, Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

    Mark, a lovely image. Must be even great in a large print.

  • #3539
    Jack MacD

    Very nice!

    Please add some more.

  • #3540

    A year ago we spent 10 days in Lappland. Several times we were out in -20 to -25 Centigrade for 2 – 4 hours at a stretch. Neither the S2 nor the m9 showed any problems with the cold. The only precaution we took upon returning back to our cabin: The cameras stayed in the respective bags until they reached normal temperatures again. This was done to avoid condensation on and in the equipment.

  • #3541
    Mark Gowin

    Thank you for the complements guys.

    The national park service had closed the road to this location so my daughter and I decided to walk there. I had stopped to take a photo on the way to this location when another photographer came walking up and we made small talk about the falling snow and beauty of the place. He was new to the area so I explained to him where I was headed and welcomed him to come along if he wanted. So there I am walking through the snow with my S2 with 70mm hanging on my shoulder and 35mm lens in my Ona Bowery bag on the other shoulder, then after a while the guy expresses some concern about me carrying my camera out in the elements. I assured him the camera was designed for this and I had used it worse conditions. I was kinda nice to be reminded of feature about this camera that I have been taking for granted.

    Oh, I should add that the Ona bag did a great job of keeping my extra lens, cleaning cloth, and other bits dry. I have discovered this bag is excellent for carrying an extra lens and there is probably room for two. It is very small and well made. I should add that I like the bag so much that I bought the next size up (the Brixton) for carrying my iPad and other stuff for work. Now I just need to get a new M and a couple lenses to put in there.

  • #3542
    Mark Gowin

    Jack MacD;4191 wrote: Very nice!

    Please add some more.


    I have another photo from this walk I will post as soon as I get in a hotel with decent Internet. It is so bad at tonight’s hotel I gave up and switched to my iPad using cellular data.


  • #3543

    Mark Gowin;4188 wrote: Unfortunately, I got to experience some winter weather too this weekend. I much preferred the warm south Florida climate from the weekend prior. At least I was out shooting so it isn’t all bad.

    Sparks Lane, Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

    You can feel the cold in that photograph. Very nice image worthy of a large print . 😀

  • #3544

    1 more winter shot with the S

  • #3548
    Jack MacD

    keep em coming

  • #3552
    Mark Gowin

    Tom, the dog makes the photo. Love it.

  • #3553
    Mark Gowin

    One more from last Sunday. I seems as if my mind was in a symmetrical mood that day. The main subject is centered in both photos I have posted from that day and it was intentional. I tried other compositions but the centered ones worked best in my opinion.

    John Oliver cabin

  • #3554
    Bob Moore


    Does the dog sing or yodel on queue?

    Love the photo,


  • #3562

    I’m not fond of cold weather, but it has its visual attractions. And to see stuff you have to be there… This is part of our rodeo grounds and the track around it.

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