Discussion Forum Leica M System M Lenses Noctilux with glass bubble
  • #4187

    The bubble or whatever it is (centered in images) doesn’t bother me for usage, but I wonder if it will reduce the resale value of this $11k lens I purchased?

  • #4188

    Send it back.

    IMO, you should NOT be worried about anything for $11,000.

    Personally, if buying this lens used, it’d still be very expensive and I would not buy one with a bubble myself … I’d look for another one.

    – Marc

  • #4190
    Josh Lehrer

    Dale, I’ve already emailed you but I also want to post here that of course we will replace your Noctilux with another, new lens and send this defective unit back to Leica. It’s rare that we see defects on new lenses but when it happens, we always replace it right away!

  • #4191

    Josh Lehrer;5082 wrote: Dale, I’ve already emailed you but I also want to post here that of course we will replace your Noctilux with another, new lens and send this defective unit back to Leica. It’s rare that we see defects on new lenses but when it happens, we always replace it right away!

    Thanks. I know that even if it weren’t really defective, you would have to examine it anyway, so back it went. It’s too bad that there’s no realistic way to determine a future resale value for this lens, because if there was, I’d just keep it. The lens performance is A-OK from what I can tell.

  • #4208

    New Nocti arrived, snapped a few MM images – awesome detail, back in business.

  • #4216

    The new lens and its host:

  • #4436

    you could resale it on ebay

  • #4439

    naomisy;5869 wrote: you could resale it on ebay

    It got replaced. There was really nothing wrong with the original with the “bubble” or whatever it was, but since I would never sell an $11000 lens on eBay, I wanted to be sure that the bubble would not impact the resale value to Leica users on Leica forums. Leica and Leica Miami solved that potential issue (which may not have been an issue anyway) by replacing the lens. Great products, great service.

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