• #3649

    Any rumors about what the next focal length of S-lenses would be? I have heard talk about 24, and 350, but how about an extender (1,4x or 2x)? The current lenses should have enough aperture and general quality to deliver good results also with an extender?

  • #3650

    I have been told by Leica that the 24 will be shipping in March.

  • #3667

    ddanois;4310 wrote: I have been told by Leica that the 24 will be shipping in March.

    My 24mm arrived last wednesday…:D

  • #3668
    Alex AR

    RVB;4329 wrote: My 24mm arrived last wednesday…:D

    And… how is it?

  • #3669

    Alex AR;4330 wrote: And… how is it?

    Alex,I am not at home at the moment so I wont get to try it out until the end of the week,But I will be happy to post DNG’s as I soon as I have a chance to shoot with it.. It is the first to arrive of three lenses I ordered .. the other’s being the 120CS and 180CS..


  • #3676

    Alex AR;4330 wrote: And… how is it?

    Alex I will post a few DNG’s asap.. it’s about the same size as the 70mm but heavier,the image seems to have minimal distortion and it’s a great F.O.V for landscapes and interior’s..

  • #3677
    Alex AR


    Thank you for the shots of the lens. Looks more compact than I expected it to be. Any sample image you could paste? I am waiting for the lens for a while and I am quite curious to see whether it was worth the waiting.

    Best regards, Alejandro

  • #3678

    Alex AR;4341 wrote: Rob,

    Thank you for the shots of the lens. Looks more compact than I expected it to be. Any sample image you could paste? I am waiting for the lens for a while and I am quite curious to see whether it was worth the waiting.

    Best regards, Alejandro

    Hi Alejandro

    Here is a link for a quick comparison between the s24 and s30,sadly they’re slightly out of focus,the reflections in the glass affected AF.. I will redo these tomorrow but at least you get an idea of the FOV…




  • #3679

    Alex AR;4341 wrote: Rob,

    Thank you for the shots of the lens. Looks more compact than I expected it to be. Any sample image you could paste? I am waiting for the lens for a while and I am quite curious to see whether it was worth the waiting.

    Best regards, Alejandro

    And this is a handheld shot which is slightly better..


  • #3680

    Alex AR;4341 wrote: Rob,

    Thank you for the shots of the lens. Looks more compact than I expected it to be. Any sample image you could paste? I am waiting for the lens for a while and I am quite curious to see whether it was worth the waiting.

    Best regards, Alejandro


    These are slightly better in terms of focus..while the shots are very boring they will give you an idea of how it looks..I am planning to get out an grab a few shots in the city soon..



  • #3681

    Alex AR;4341 wrote: Rob,

    Thank you for the shots of the lens. Looks more compact than I expected it to be. Any sample image you could paste? I am waiting for the lens for a while and I am quite curious to see whether it was worth the waiting.

    Best regards, Alejandro

    Another thing I have learned is that it handle’s backlighting beautifully.. 😀

  • #3682

    Walk around shot with the S24mm .. First chance I’ve had to get it outdoors..

    Attached files

  • #3683

    Hmm, seems to be an odd uneveness to the sky in this shot. Was this corrected in any way? Polarized at all?

    Thanks for posting these.


  • #3684

    rsmphoto;4347 wrote: Hmm, seems to be an odd uneveness to the sky in this shot. Was this corrected in any way? Polarized at all?

    Thanks for posting these.


    Hi Richard,very little pp and no polarizer.. here is the raw if you want to take a look..




  • #3685

    Here is a backlit shot.. straight into the sun,, there is streaking but I find this happens with CCD’s.. nevertheless the lens handles the scene well,easily dealing with the dark branches against the bright background with hardly a trace of C.A..

    Attached files

  • #3686

    Thanks for sending. Yes, I see it’s in the DNG as-is. I’m still puzzled by the apparent density change center-to-edge in the sky, almost a reverse of what I’d expect on an uncorrected shot with a 24. Could be atmospheric, I suppose, but just looks odd to me. Have you tried any other shots that include an known evenly lit background?

    Many thanks.

  • #3687

    rsmphoto;4350 wrote: Thanks for sending. Yes, I see it’s in the DNG as-is. I’m still puzzled by the apparent density change center-to-edge in the sky, almost a reverse of what I’d expect on an uncorrected shot with a 24. Could be atmospheric, I suppose, but just looks odd to me. Have you tried any other shots that include an known evenly lit background?

    Many thanks.

    Not yet,I have only just opened the box yesterday even though I have it a few weeks,but I will make a point of posting a few more shots of evenly lit backgrounds.. on balance I am impressed so far..


  • #3688

    rsmphoto;4347 wrote: Hmm, seems to be an odd uneveness to the sky in this shot. Was this corrected in any way? Polarized at all?

    Thanks for posting these.


    I would hesitate to use a polarizer on a lens this wide,but if you do it takes 95mm filters.. I would like the option of N.D filter,I am considering the 95mm True Match Variable from schneider or one from Heliopan or rodenstock..

    Still the polarizer can be useful for other things like cutting out reflections in glass or water..

  • #3689

    …and grass, foliage, etc. At times a reason for me.

    Agreed, vignetting could likely be an issue with a 95mm polarizer.

    Appreciate seeing these samples all the same.

  • #3690

    Thanks for sharing, Rob. I’d be interested to see more of the 24 mm. BTW, I recognise the area where you took these, I used to live in Amsterdam for almost 25 years.

  • #3694

    peterv;4354 wrote: Thanks for sharing, Rob. I’d be interested to see more of the 24 mm. BTW, I recognise the area where you took these, I used to live in Amsterdam for almost 25 years.

    hi Peter,

    I will post a few more DNG’s asap..a few more shots from around the Dam to bring back a few memory’s for you.. 🙂


  • #3698

    This is a 3shot hdr with the S24,,,

    and here is one of the DNG’s


  • #3699

    Single shot with minimal PP,process in C1P7… C1 does an excellent job with S file’s,only caveat is lack of tool’s for dealing with C.A’s.. you dont see C.A’s very often with these lenses but still a L.R4 style tool for mitigating C.A would be nice..

    I have used a experience with some very good wide angle’s including the TSE17 and Nikkor 14-24 and also the Zeiss 15mm,But this S lens is fantastic..

  • #3706

    Thanks for sharing the DNG. Incredible DOF, nice color and contrast. Are you going to use the lens for landscapes?


  • #3707

    The 24 may be my new favorite lens. It’s not too big… but the images it gets are tremendous. Just posted a sunset shot to my red-dot blog taken hand-held in last light. So yes, the 24 is a lovely addition. Highly recommended.

  • #3708

    peterv;4370 wrote: Thanks for sharing the DNG. Incredible DOF, nice color and contrast. Are you going to use the lens for landscapes?


    Peter,probably cityscape’s and some landscape,But also interior’s,architecture and even environmental portraits.. I would probably use the s30mm first for landscape as the s24 can push things too far away..the S24 is best choice over the 30mm when you want to get in close and fill the foreground



  • #3709

    ciracrowell;4371 wrote: The 24 may be my new favorite lens. It’s not too big… but the images it gets are tremendous. Just posted a sunset shot to my red-dot blog taken hand-held in last light. So yes, the 24 is a lovely addition. Highly recommended.

    I agree,It’s a gem…

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