Discussion Forum Leica S System Alternative Lenses Leica S2 meets the Leica APO-Telyt-Modular R 400mm f/4!
  • #940
    Josh Lehrer

  • #945
    David Farkas

    One from yesterday’s testing with the 400mm.

    Leica S2 with 400mm f/4 APO-Telyt-R
    1/350th @ f/4, ISO 320

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  • #946
    David Farkas

    Another one, also shot wide-open…

    1/350th @ f/4, ISO 320

  • #947

    impressive images. The image covers all S2 sensor? if yes, you’ve got the Holy Grail!

  • #948
    David Farkas

    Delfi_r;708 wrote: impressive images. The image covers all S2 sensor? if yes, you’ve got the Holy Grail!

    Yes, the projected image covers the entire S2 sensor with no vignetting.

  • #949

    How fascinating! David, Will I have to do permanent changes to my APO-telyt or can I manage via an adapter?
    Thanks for posting,

  • #950
    David Farkas

    Arif;711 wrote: How fascinating! David, Will I have to do permanent changes to my APO-telyt or can I manage via an adapter?
    Thanks for posting,


    I’ll post all the details in my article, but no, this isn’t done via an adapter. The lens has to be shortened to achieve infinity focus. This also involves moving the aperture ring and mechanical linkage back towards the front of the lens. Because of this, I don’t think the 1x module will work, only the 1.4x and 2x.

    If you are interested in converting your lens, let me know.

  • #951

    Hi David:

    What a great 400mm set-up for the S2!!! After the the dust settles, please compare with the Pentax 6×7 400mm ED lens.


  • #952
    David Farkas

    fotophil;713 wrote: Hi David:

    What a great 400mm set-up for the S2!!! After the the dust settles, please compare with the Pentax 6×7 400mm ED lens.



    Our 400mm P67 lens has been on loan to a forum member here and is on its way back to us for comparative testing. Even without a side-by-side, it’s safe to say that the Leica eats the Pentax lens for lunch. Much, much sharper. Easier to focus. Better contrast. Better build quality. The Leica can be used wide-open without penalty. The Pentax really needs to be shot at f/6.3 or f/8 to extract the best sharpness and then you are fighting shutter speed.

    We will post results of our tests when we receive the lens next week and do some shooting.

  • #954
    Pete Walentin

    WOW! That is really great.

    I guess there are shot on a tripod? Would like to see some handheld as well. 😉

    Looking forward to the whole report.


  • #955

    Hi David:

    Leica lenses eat everything for lunch at wide open apertures. My Pentax 400mm tests confirm that the performance is disappointing wide open but greatly improves stopped down 2 stops and even better at 3 stops. In long lenses there is no free lunch. What is the going price for the Leica APO 400mm and modification?

    Thanks for running these tests


  • #956
    Doug Herr

    Should we assume the larger lens head would work too?

  • #957
    David Farkas

    Doug Herr;718 wrote: Should we assume the larger lens head would work too?


    I would assume so, as the image circle limitation comes from the focus module not the lens head.

    With the larger 400/560/800 lens head and the 1.4x, you’d have a drool-worthy 560mm f/4 on the S2!! 😎 This is equivalent to a 450mm in 35mm land.

  • #958
    David Farkas

    Pete Walentin;716 wrote: WOW! That is really great.

    I guess there are shot on a tripod? Would like to see some handheld as well. 😉

    Looking forward to the whole report.



    These were all shot on a Gitzo 5-series with the Systematic Hydrostatic Ball Head. The lens weighs 9lbs alone, hardly hand-holdable, especially in 92 deg F heat and 80% humidity (my test conditions yesterday). I’m assuming you were kidding though. 🙂

  • #959
    David Farkas

    fotophil;717 wrote: Hi David:

    Leica lenses eat everything for lunch at wide open apertures. My Pentax 400mm tests confirm that the performance is disappointing wide open but greatly improves stopped down 2 stops and even better at 3 stops. In long lenses there is no free lunch. What is the going price for the Leica APO 400mm and modification?

    Thanks for running these tests



    My own Pentax 400mm testing yielded the same results. Unfortunately, shooting birds at f/8 – f/11 just doesn’t cut it when I was already fighting 1/125th shutter speeds at f/4.

    The modification cost is $1200. The lens combo we have is selling for around $6500-7000. Unfortunately, the 1.4x is far less common than the 1x module.

  • #971

    David Farkas;712 wrote: Arif,

    I’ll post all the details in my article, but no, this isn’t done via an adapter. The lens has to be shortened to achieve infinity focus. This also involves moving the aperture ring and mechanical linkage back towards the front of the lens. Because of this, I don’t think the 1x module will work, only the 1.4x and 2x.

    If you are interested in converting your lens, let me know.

    Thanks for the reply. as luck would have it, I have the 1x so will wait and see if the 1.4x or 2x shows up as a bargain. I will wait for the details in your article.
    Thanks again,

  • #995
    David Farkas

    Full review is up in the News and Articles section:

    Testing the Leica 400mm APO-Telyt-Modular-R on the Leica S2

  • #996
    Al Tanabe

    Beautiful conversion of the lens. It would be an easy way for Leica to provide manual focus long glass in a short time, just convert the focus modules like you have. Aside from the fact that the 1x tube is too short, the 1.4x increases the image circle as well, yes?

  • #12982
    Boris Massieux

    Is it still possible to make this modification?
    I have no 400 nor the module, but the results are amazing.

  • #13276
    John McMaster

    Solms modified my 1.4x tube to work with LeiKo adapter on the S series, I will probably send my 2x tube off next year, They have not done many and it is on the edge of what can be modified, and comes back with lots of disclaimers 😉


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