Discussion Forum Buy and Sell Marketplace Gear For Sale Leica Multi-Function Handgrip for the S-Camera with hand strap- NEVER USED
  • #1404

    I brought the Multi purpose handgrip and Leica strap. I never used them. I would sell both items for $950 plus $25.00 shipping. If you are interested please send payment to [email]srosen@me.com[/email] at paypal. I will send the items once I have payment YOU can buy it through ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/320789582513?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

  • #1488

    the price is what ever I am asking on ebay. it is now $825 plus $25.00 shipping

  • #1530

    I purchased your S2 Grip and Handstrap on Ebay yesterday (11/18/2011). Please me when the items are shipped.


    Phil Lindsay

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