Discussion Forum Leica S System Images to Share Images using S and H lenses on the S2.
  • #3029

    Most recent wedding shoot afforded me the opportunity to press the Hasselblad HC/100/2.2 into service, as well as the S35mm.

    Interesting learning experience using the HC100/2.2 … mostly employed in harsh available light conditions with pretty ferocious back/side light that required use of fill at 1/500th or 1/750th sync speed.

    I had brought a Profoto 600B AIR and Profoto Gold Octa on a pole operated by my assistant plus the SF58 in the hot shoe to be ready for anything. Wedding shooters can’t always pick where or when.

    The Profoto failed to fire, and after a quick swap of the sync cord I abandoned it for lack of time to track down the error and had the assistant take it back to the SUV.

    I subsequently discovered that the SF58 wasn’t set to HSS-TTL (WTF?). Later, I also discovered that it still didn’t work consistently because unknown to me, my novice assistant had turned on the Profoto’s optical slave … so the SF58’s evaluative pre-flash was triggering the strobe too soon. I now have a note in the lighting bag to check both of those before shooting … live and learn. Neither is a complication with the H camera.

    That said, I was still able to just barely pull off the shots with just the SF58 aimed directly at the subjects (with no modification) to provide fill.

    Gotta say, I LOVE this camera, and the CS option makes it far more valuable of a tool than any 35mm DSLR … for me the CS S lenses @ 1/1000th are looking mighty attractive and I will upgrade the 35, 70 and 120 as soon as available.

    Here are a few with the HC100/2.2 more candid than posed … in fact, I removed the actual posed versions so they wouldn’t dilute these.


  • #3032
    Pete Walentin

    Really beautiful. I like the rendering of the lens.

  • #3040

    Thanks Pete.

    The Hasselblad H lenses get along with the S2’s sensor quite nicely.

    The HC50/3.5-II, 100/2.2, and 150/3.2N are a particularly nice set of lenses to use with the Leica … dual shutter capable, good handling size for the S2, and all use the same 77mm filter size.


  • #3044

    fotografz;3367 wrote: Thanks Pete.

    The Hasselblad H lenses get along with the S2’s sensor quite nicely.

    The HC50/3.5-II, 100/2.2, and 150/3.2N are a particularly nice set of lenses to use with the Leica … dual shutter capable, good handling size for the S2, and all use the same 77mm filter size.


    Hi Marc,
    Great to see your take with the 100. I am wondering if you can share your processing with the H-lenses. I am not quite getting the colors/look with mine so need to learn from you. Thank you in advance!

  • #3048

    Arif, I just use LR and the lens profiles Leica provided for the HC lenses.

    In the case of the HC100/2.2 when strong backlighting is present (like it was in the Bride and flower-girls photo) I may have to use a bit more manual purple fringing correction. This shows up more frequently with the S2 than with my H4D/60.

    Mostly process for skin-tones by eye. The S2 tends toward more magenta skin so I frequently use the specific color correction tools in LR to make minor adjustments until the skin looks like the above pics.

    What specifically are you having problems with?


  • #3058
    Mark Gowin

    Really nice photos Marc. I gotta say, there is no way to detect the difficulties you had by looking at the photo. The exposure looks great to my eye.

  • #3059

    Thanks Mark, RE: difficulties …

    Never let them see you sweat … LOL!

    What is also so gratifying about using these tools is the remarkably consistent look and feel attainable between the S2 and M9P … while I also use a Sony A900 and Zeiss optics, as well as process images from my second shooter’s Nikons or Canons, none have that synergy … that certain richness that is easy to see and hard to explain.

    My hope is that the M and S functionally evolve to a point I can eliminate all the other cameras … and we are getting close. I hope the new M with CMOS maintains that image synergy.

    Me likey Leica


  • #3064

    The first shot of the bride with the kids at the railing is a stellar image. Congratulations.

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