Discussion Forum Leica S System S Lenses How bad is the curvature of field in the 70mm S lens?
  • #2930
    Stuart Richardson

    Because it seems very bad on my particular copy…I am wondering if it is a problem with my lens, or just a feature of the optical design. I have been noticing it a lot recently on landscape shots. The center of the frame is extremely sharp at infinity at middle apertures (4.8, 5.6 etc), but the edges are soft…at least at infinity. The areas that are 10-20m are very sharp as well. I am also getting lots of ghosting when I shoot into the light. I can’t say I am particularly happy! The 50/1.4 ASPH is a much much better performer for me, and I remember Peter Karbe saying that the 70mm S lens was supposed to be similar, but better in close range. I also can’t help but thinking the plane glass element was a very bad idea (granted, I shoot a lot of point light sources, such as streetlights at night). Now that I am noticing this strongly non-planar focal plane, I am starting to think that I should probably stick to the 120 and 35mm lenses…
    I would post an example, but I am currently on vacation and only have limited bandwidth. I suppose I should also call Leica, but I guess no one is there because of Photokina…

  • #2931

    I have some focused just short of infinity at F5.6 and F8, I’m not seeing signs of curvature or anything that would lead me to think there is an issue. There could be curvature, but in my pictures there is nothing suspect. I know that doesn’t help you… sorry. The next time I’m shooting landscapes with the 70mm, I do some test shots to specifically test at infinity.

  • #2932
    Stuart Richardson

    Thanks for looking. I have a feeling that this is an issue with my lens, or my body (though I don’t really see it in other lenses…or haven’t noticed it).
    Bandwidth be damned, here is an example. Am I crazy, or is this really weird? It was shot at f/4.8 and 1/250th. Handheld, but the same issue appears in other shots taken on a tripod or a great or lesser degree.

  • #3106

    Hi Stuart –

    There might be some curvature with the 70S. The pic below was taken at F4 and the windmill blades are pin point sharp at 100%. While editing the image I noticed the structure became soft at the lower / base area. There could be several reasons –

    1) Lens was angled slightly upwards, so the DOF plane was at an angle – plausible.
    2) Pic was taken at F4, maybe the MTF drops off enough at the edges to look soft?
    3) There is a degree of curvature – maybe.
    4) F4 wasn’t enough DOF?

    I did not go out to test for curvature. I just happened to stumble upon this result and thought of your post. This is a much closer distance than your experience, so it’s not a good apples to apples study. I’m going to start paying more attention. The temps have finally cooled off here, so it is safe to go outdoors 🙂

    Did you have your lens checked out by Leica?

  • #3115
    Stuart Richardson

    Lovely colors! Well, I am still not entirely sure what’s up. I have been busy recently, so I did not get around to talking to Leica about it until last week. They saw the sample images and said they would like me to send back the lens so they could check it out. That’s the stage I am at now. So still up in the air! I hope it is something easily correctable.

  • #3209
    Stuart Richardson

    Well, I finally got a response on my lens (my local dealer works via a distributor in another country, so it took much longer than normal to get this organized…I will be sending it direct from now on), and Leica said that there was something wrong with it, and they were replacing it. So we’ll see. I will get the replacement by Wednesday, I hope.
    Even though this had a problem, I am continuously impressed with Leica’s responses. There is no skirting an issue — if you have a problem, they do their best to address it and do right by you. I would expect nothing less at this price, but it is still reassuring to know that they excel at this. I have had my share of problems with Leica gear (though I have also had a large number of different models and lenses over the years!), but I cannot think of a single instance where Leica did not go out of their way to help solve the issue. That is also the main reason I felt ok to buy the S2…I knew that Leica would back it up, no matter what. I have not had that experience with certain other manufacturers, even of very expensive gear.

  • #3210
    Mark Gowin

    I agree Stuart. Leica has always handled my few equipment issues very fairly. I can honestly say, I will continue to be a Leica customer largely because the manner in which they have resolved issues and treated me over the years. A company can make the best products in the world, but that is worthless to me if they don’t stand behind it. Fortunately, Leica delivers in both respects.

  • #3237
    Albert Knapp, MDAvatar photo

    I heartedly concur with Mark in regards to Leica’s ongoing superlative service…. Not to mention the enthralling quality of their products… Albert;)

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