Discussion Forum Leica S System S2 Firmware Glitch with SDHC Cards?
  • #2427

    I just bought this card from B&H: SanDisk 32GB EXTREME PRO SDHC-UHS-1 (95MB/S) – SAEPSDU32GB

    Put in the S2, formatted and took some pictures. Everything seemed okay for the first 5-6 test shots. Then I changed ISO and none of the next images were recorded. Turned the camera off & on, took a picture and it recorded. Changed ISO, next image did not record. So, put the CF card back in (SanDisk 32 GB Extreme UDMA 60 MB/sec) and it does fine.

    Deja-vu… am I back to having SDHC issues like I did with the Leica M9? FYI – I also sent a note to Leica support to see if they have any comments / suggestions.

  • #2429
    Josh Lehrer

    Could be a corrupt card. I’ve yet to see any camera-related memory card issues with the S2 over the past 2 years so it would be surprising to see one now. Have you tried a different SD card?

  • #2433

    Of course, I only find these things AFTER something runs amuck – diglloyd 32 GB card issues.

  • #2434

    Just tested the S2 with a Sandisk 8 GB Extreme 30 MB/sec and was able to repeat the fault. The only card in the was SDHC card. The S2 was set-up for parallel. The S2 will record the images fun, up until the ISO is changed. After ISO is changed, none of the subsequent images are recorded. If the S2 is turned off & on, the card will record images again – until the ISO is changed again.

    I set the S2 for “Sequential” and then the card functioned fine. Next, I’ll re-test the 32 GB card with the S2 set-up for “Sequential”.

  • #2435

    Reformatted the 32 GB card and had the computer overwrite the card with 0’s just to be sure. Put the card in and let the S2 reformat it. Left the S2 on “sequential” and now the card works fine.

    So, the problem is:

    1) S2 set-up in parallel mode (this is key)
    2) Only a SD card inserted
    3) S2 records images fine
    4) Change ISO
    5) All subsequent images not recorded
    6) Turn camera off, then on
    7) S2 will record images again
    8) Change ISO
    9) S2 will not record any subsequent images

    In “parallel” mode I have NOT had any such issues with CF cards.

  • #2436
    Mark Gowin

    I haven’t seen this problem, but then again, I can’t say for sure I have ever duplicated your sequence of events. I will try it just for the heck of it.

  • #2437
    Mark Gowin

    I just checked my S2 and can easily replicate the issue except I don’t even have to change the ISO. If the camera is set to parallel and only a SD card is in the camera, then the images are not reviewable. As soon as I change it to sequential, the images are reviewable.

    I didn’t put the card in the computer to see if there were photos on the card.

    More investigation is needed. My camera has NOT been updated to the firmware that was just released. Maybe that will fix it. Also, the camera was set to record DNG only.

  • #2438

    Hi Mark –

    I’m running the latest firmware, so I doubt update will help. You experience indicates this is not new bug in just the latest firmware. I’m surprised nobody bumped into this before; i was just trying out SDHC before a trip because the Macbook has SDHC slot and a SDHC card is more convenient.

  • #2440
    Josh Lehrer

    I tested this here. When the camera is set to shoot Parallel, it will not record DNG images to the SD card. This is true when a CF card is also installed, or when an SD card is in the camera by itself. If you set the camera to JPEG only as an experiment, you can shoot to the SD card by itself even if the camera is in Parallel, but if you try to set the camera to DNG+JPEG while set the Parallel, the S2 will automatically change the mode to Sequential when it does not detect a CF card.

    My recommendation is never to set your camera to DNG only and Parallel at the same time when you only have an SD card in the body…at least until Leica is made aware of this issue and fixes it.

  • #2441
    Mark Gowin

    At least now we know the proble is not your SDHC card or camera. Also, simply setting the camera to sequential let’s you use the SDHC card as you wish. All-in-all this is not a huge deal, but one that needs to be fixed to prevent inadvertent loss of images because when on parallel, the camera acts like it is capturing the image (review screen shows image), but is not.

  • #2442

    Hi Mark –

    Glad this one was easily duplicated, and that it’s also easy to around the issue. I received the S2 set to parallel mode and had been using a CF card. I decided to pick a fast SDHC card this week, so when the card arrived – popped out the CF card, put in the SDHC and took some test shots. It was just happenstance that I stumbled across the bug.

    Hi Josh –

    I sent an email to Kelsey last night, referencing this thread.

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