Discussion Forum Leica Compact Digital Cameras Leica D-Lux D-Lux typ 109 – Church Interior and Altar.
  • #10889

    I’ve been shooting this church interior occasionally with various cameras (Nikon ‘A’, Panasonic GM1, Leica ‘T’ and X Vario, etc.), but the D-Lux has done the best job so far, I suppose because it has the best combination of sensor size and fast lens. It isn’t possible to use a tripod here, and since the best shooting location is braced against the bowl containing holy water, shoot quickly and leave is the only option.

    Leica D-Lux, f2.8, 1/25 handheld, ISO 200.

  • #10891

    This is really very nice I think, and the bit of off-center non/semi-symmetry gives the composition a little something extra. I like the light and colors too.


  • #10892

    Thanks – besides the usual difficulties, getting such favorable lighting was due to someone opening a skylight or windows of some kind, and there were the extreme contrasts from that. But I thought the D-Lux handled it very well.

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